Bone Regeneration

Bone regeneration is a procedure that restores bone around the roots of the teeth. Human bone powders and synthetic membranes are aterials used in the procedure. Over time, the body replaces the synthetic membranes with natural bone tissues. The procedure is used to increase bone mass and density and increase the thickness of the dental ridges. Bone regeneration is also used to:

  • Build up bone around newly placed implants
  • Build up bone in preparation for future implantation of false teeth or prosthetics
  • To fill bone gaps resulting from the removal of a tooth root, impacted teeth or a cystectomy
  • Repair bone defects after a wound reopens

Bone regeneration has four main stages:

  • Closure of the wound to promote healing
  • Angiogenesis to provide necessary blood supply and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
  • Space creation and maintenance necessary for bone in-growth
  • Stability of the wound to induce blood clot formation and healing

There are two main types of bone regeneration procedures:

Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) are surgical procedures that regenerate soft tissues or periodontal structures that support teeth, such as bone, periodontal ligament, and connective tissue attachment. Biocompatible barrier membranes are used to direct the growth of new bone and soft tissue. Bone grafts and tissue stimulating proteins may also be used.

Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) are surgical procedures that regenerate hard tissues or bone prior to the placement of bridges or implants. These procedures are accomplished using bone grafts and biocompatible barrier membranes that keep out tissue and allow the bone to grow.


Kevin Sands DDS
414 North Camden Drive
Suite 940
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

P. (310) 273-0111